Pranav M S

Your Next Developer

Tech Weaver | Hackathon Wizard | Blockchain | MERN Stack | Flutter | Cloud

Technical Consultant - Cloud at BlueYonder BlueYonder

About Me

I'm not just a developer, I'm a tech weaver. I bridge the gap between code and people by building intuitive, delightful applications across diverse domains, from blockchain platforms to anonymous tip-off systems.

My secret sauce? Blending logic and empathy to create solutions that are both powerful and user-centric. Gaming, travel, and cooking fuel my creative spark, ensuring my work has a touch of human flair.

Challenge me? I'm a prize-winning hackathon veteran who thrives on complex problems and elegant solutions. My colleagues value my blockchain expertise, dedication to excellence, and continuous learning.

Ready to weave the future together? Explore my portfolio, get in touch, and let's make magic happen!


Technical Consultant - Cloud
Dec 2023 - Present

Working on LCT (Logistics Control Tower) product which is a cloud based SaaS solution for supply chain management. I am responsible for developing features on frontend using ReactJS

Software Development Engineer
Sept 2022 - Oct 2023

Worked on 5 different projects based on MERN Stack, Flutter and Django. I was responsible for developing FullStack Apps. I also helped in developing internal tools to increase efficiency

React NativeFirebaseGitHubFlutterTypeScriptDockerLoad BalancingAmazon Web Services (AWS)ReactJSREST APIsNodeJSDart
Blockchain Developer
Jan 2022 - July 2022

Worked on various projects to develop DApps and Smart Contracts. I was responsible for developing Smart Contracts and integrating them with the frontend

GitHubEthereumWeb3Amazon Web Services (AWS)BlockchainReactJSNodeJSSolidityChainlinkFirebase
Web3 Developer
Aug 2021 - Oct 2021

Worked on a project to create a decentralized medium-like article publishing platform. I also developed interfaces to send push notifications to users through decentralized networks

GitHubEthereumWAP PushJavaScriptWeb3Amazon Web Services (AWS)BlockchainReactJSNodeJSSolidity
ML Developer - Internship
July 2019 - Aug 2019

Worked on 2 projects - Credit Card Fraud Detection and Chat Intent Classification. I was responsible for developing and customizing models

GitHubMachine LearningDeep LearningArtificial Neural NetworksPython (Programming Language)


Hackathon Project
Open Knowledge NetworkOpen Knowledge Network
Dec 2023

OKN makes distributed computing more accessible by allowing anyone to contribute specialized models, incentivizing knowledge sharing, and enabling collective intelligence.

ReactJSNodeJSDockerAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumMachine LearningBlockchainLarge Language ModelsNatural Language Processing
Hackathon Project
Where's MyWhere's My
Jan 2023

Where's My is a decentralized device tracking application that aims to address the security risks and lack of cross-platform compatibility in current device tracking solutions. The application allows users to monitor the locations of their devices, such as mobile phones, headphones, speakers, laptops, and any other Bluetooth-enabled devices within their vicinity, using a blockchain-hosted ecosystem

ReactJSNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumBlockchainBLEDevice Discovery
Educational Project
Anonymous Tip-Off SystemAnonymous Tip-Off System
Jun 2022

A decentralized anonymous tip-off system that allows users to anonymously report crimes and incidents to the nearby law enforcement authorities. Tip-Off's are classified and prioritized using machine learning and are reported on the Platform.

ReactJSReactNativeNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumMachine LearningBlockchainNatural Language Processing
Hackathon Project
Nov 2021

A decentralized hiring platform that allows users to create their profiles and apply for jobs. The platform also allows employers to post jobs and hire candidates. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses smart contracts to store user data and verify the authenticity of the data.

ReactJSNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumBlockchain
Hackathon Project
Aadhaar SolutionAadhaar Solution
Oct 2021

Aadhaar Verification Solution for UIDAI Hackathon. The solution allows users to verify their Aadhaar details with any third party service provider without sharing their Aadhaar number.

ReactNativeNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)WiFi DirectBLEFace RecognitionmAadhaar
Hackathon Project
Aug 2021

DeBuilds is a Decentralized Software Marketplace for devs/users to sell or buy software with NFT License. I contributed as the MERN Stack - Blockchain Developer for this project.

ReactJSNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumBlockchain
Hackathon Project
Jun 2021

A secure funding platform for the donors to ensure that all of their money reaches the right cause. We have taken a step to make the funding decentralized, secure, and more transparent.

ReactJSNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumBlockchain
Hobby Project
EVAC MeetingsEVAC Meetings
May 2020

EVAC Video Meetings is a peer-to-peer ReactJS based Video Conferencing hobby project.

ReactJSNodeJSAmazon Web Services (AWS)Peer-to-PeerWebRTC
Hobby Project
Nov 2017

ReCoal is a private, secure, untraceable, decentralized digital currency which gives absolute control over funds to the user, with the option for complete privacy with traceless transactions thus allowing censorship-resistant access to services and data across the world.


Tech Skills

ReactJSNodeJSDockerAmazon Web Services (AWS)Web3SolidityEthereumMachine LearningBlockchainLarge Language ModelsNatural Language ProcessingBLEDevice DiscoveryReactNativeWiFi DirectFace RecognitionmAadhaarPeer-to-PeerWebRTCC++CryptocurrencyPoWPythonAnd a few more